Sunday, July 6, 2014

Finally, a Few Pix to Share

Hi, This past winter has been devastating to our Butterfly Bushes, and a few other plants, with our sub zero temperature. I HAD over two dozen Butterfly Bushes, of different cultivars and colors as well, with most being almost killed over the winter. Eight were killed outright, and the rest only now have small new growth at best. Half of the survivors leaves are curled and look like they were sprayed with a herbicide, making me think that their survival is in doubt. The other half of the survivors are sprouting a few shoots from the ground and the others have only a few or single new shoot from one of the many old branches on the plant.  Butterfly Bushes are the major part of my nectar source from mid June onwards to fall frost. I do have perennials and annuals planted in various areas around the; house, barn, garden and fields nearby. These are about ten days behind any previous year, as an average. So, I have planted another dozen Butterfly Bushes to replace the dead or dying ones, from the past winter's extremely bitter cold temperature. Butterfly numbers are at least 80% down from, any and all past years, as well as southern migrants to our area. Hopefully things will return to a more normal status soon. Best to All, Denis

                                                            Eastern Tailed Blue
                                                         Great Spangled Fritillary
                                                                      Painted Lady
                                                 Spicebush Swallowtail-Parts missing
                                                                     Summer Azure
                                                             Summer Azure
                                                                 Summer Azure


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