Lantana As A Nectar Plant
All, Today I have elected to use a butterfly nectar plant as the
background for butterflies. The Lantana is a tropical plant, however
it can be grown as an annual far north of its' native range. I
grow over a dozen Lantanas each summer, however I must dig each one
up and store it in my basement over the winter months. Some plants
stay in large plastic pots (5 gallon size) and are more easily taken
in each fall. The roots usually grow through the drain holes in the
bottom and must be severed when digging. Lantana self seed quite
readily and I find many, literally dozens of volunteer plants coming
up each summer. My stone parking area is where I trim the limbs off
in the fall and hence many seeds fall in this area. I usually let
these grow to produce flowers and they get to be about two feet
squared per plant easily. Upon retrieving the Lantana background
plants I find that I photographed mostly Fiery Skippers. I must focus
more on other species this year upcoming. Have a great day, Denis
Clouded Sulphur
Tawny Edged Skipper
Pearl Crescent on Butterfly Weed
Painted Lady
All Fiery Skppers
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