Thursday, October 25, 2012

Long Tailed Skipper, Very Late

Hi everyone, it is getting very late in the season and the pool of butterfly species is shrinking rather quickly after our first frost. Now nectar sources have gone by the wayside and only few blossoms for nectar remain viable. We had a heavy frost at 26° on the 13th of this month that literally ended all flower production, hence few living nectar flowers. I grow a lot of tropical or sub-tropical plants and they took a big hit with only few lower underneath blossoms remaining. To my surprise on the 15th of October at noon I saw one of two Long Tailed Skippers seen on the 30th of September, in warm weather, again today. Where this individual disappeared to is beyond me, as I look for at least two to three hours daily in and around our gardens. Pictured below is one Long Tailed Skipper (with tails broken off) on a Lantana plant, that I overwinter in my basement for the next year quite successfully. Have a great day, Denis

Sunday, October 7, 2012

It Is Getting Late Now, So Summer Is Near the End.

Hi, it has been a while since I last posted and now things are winding down for this season of 2012 butterflies.Late summer became quite slow and I really had nothing earth shattering to post (excuse), hence no post(s) lately. It certainly, has been a good year for variety, however sheer numbers seem quite a bit down from my perspective. I usually have higher numbers of my regular summer residents, but not this season. I was fortunate to get some species seen only in several years space or even less! We did get a blast of Fiery Skippers two times in late summer as is usually the case, but this year a higher volume. Here are some photos of the late summer visitors. Best to you, Denis
Common Checkered Skipper in White Clover

Eastern Tailed Blue, Nectaring on White Clover

Painted Lady Nectaring on Lantana- one of my mainstays.